Getting traffic is a long cycle. Look, SEO takes anywhere from three to six months. You know, if you have a new website, even sometimes a month, if your website has a lot of authority to 12 months, even multiple years, if you’re just starting off. And to really get significant traffic, it usually takes three to six months before things really start kicking up and years to really get what you really want. You need to do lots of trial and error before you know what’s actually working. So you can double down on your winning tactics.
So within this video, I’m going to break down into two parts. The first part is what you should be focusing on. And the second part is what you shouldn’t be focusing on. Now, let’s go over what you should be focusing on.
One, work on your offer. Once you figure out your offer and what’s converting really well for you, you can focus on generating more traffic after that. But if you get tons of traffic and people don’t want to buy for you, who cares, you’re not making any money. You need to really hone down your offer and figure out what people want.
Two, work on your lead generation strategy. What I mean by this is how are you going to get leads? Is it that you need traffic SEO? is it you need paid advertising? Is it that you should cold call, right? There’s many different strategies to get leads and there’s no right or wrong approach.
Number three, when you get the leads, you need to nurture them. How do you get them from a lead to maybe figure out if they’re qualified, To then pitch them and then close them? You got to nurture them. You can’t just expect to get a lead and be like, yeah, they’re just going to give me money. I wish it worked that way.
Four, you need to optimize for conversions. Look at your sales process. Whether you’re talking to someone or you’re just selling online, you have e-commerce like, a product page to checkout page, a upsell downsell. You need to figure out where the drop-off is. That’s a funnel.
Five, creating new content. It’s all about topic clusters to dominate bigger topics. Example is, paid ads as a main topic and then you have Facebook ads, LinkedIn ads, Google ads, Twitter ads, Instagram ads, Reddit ads as all subtopics. That’s what I mean as content clusters.
Six, refreshing content and optimizing for new keyword opportunities that you can edit and find in Google search console, or Ubersuggest. Using tools like Ubersuggest and Google Search Console will show you all the keyword opportunities that you have with your website and what’s working for your competitors that you could potentially go after.
Seven, internal linking. Everyone talks about, Hey, I need to keep creating new content, but if you’re not linking your old content to your new content or new content, your old content, it’s going to be hard for Google to crawl your whole site.
Eight, content pruning. I want you to combine existing pages on the same topics. A lot of times you’re going to need to combine your pages, because if your website’s been around for many, many years, you may have four or five, six articles on the same exact thing that’s being up over that.
Now let’s talk about what you shouldn’t focus on. First off, I don’t want you to check your traffic and rankings every day. You should track it every day, but you shouldn’t have to check it every day. If you check it by-weekly or monthly, that’s fine. You can set up alerts.
Number two, don’t obsess over your competitors. What you should be doing is obsessing over your customers. If you do what’s best for your customers, that’s how you win.
I also want you to look for keywords using Ubersuggest that you may not be targeting right now, but your customers may be looking for. And you can do this by just looking at the keyword ideas report.
I also want you to use the backlinks opportunities report within Ubersuggest that’ll show you all the people that linked to your competitors, but don’t link to you.
So what you do is you put in your URL and then you put it in a few of your competitors and it’ll show you all the people that link to multiple competitors, but not you. If people link to not just one but two, three of your competitors and not you, the chances are, they’ll link to you as well. If you just hit them up and you show them how your content is better, your products are more better. And if they do that, or if you do that, your rankings will climb over time. It just takes some effort.
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